• We are Mid Yorkshire

    We provide care for over half a million people every year, in their homes, in the community and across our three hospital sites.

    Find out more about our Trust

  • Reachdeck tool 

    We are experiencing a technical glitch when accessing our patient information leaflets with our Reachdeck tool enabled. To view and/or download our patient information leaflets without interruption, please return to the website homepage and disable the Reachdeck tool located at the top of the webpage. We are working to fix this issue as soon as possible.

  • Masked staff member looking into camera

    Zero tolerance - abuse is not in a day’s work

    Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust is taking a zero tolerance approach to abuse and aggression towards our staff and our patients.

    Find out more here

  • Dr Kate Granger Compassionate Care Award

    If you’ve received great care, nominate a member of staff in our monthly Dr Kate Granger Compassionate Care Award.

    Click here to nominate...  

Cancel or change an appointment

To make sure we are fully utilising our clinics, please give us as much notice
as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment. 

Letting us know 48 hours before your appointment means we can offer
this time to someone else in need.

Find out more

What's going on at our Trust

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Changes to visitor car parking charges

We want to be upfront with you and give you advance warning about a decision we recognise won’t be very popular. From 1 August there will be a small increase in what we charge for parking in our...

Patient Sara Williamson
Emergency bowel surgery patient praises ‘fantastic’ care

Patient Sara Williamson has praised Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust medics for the care provided to her when she had emergency bowel surgery in June. ...

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Yorkshire Macmillan team praised for ‘life-changing’ care

Pictured: Tracey and her husband, Chris The Macmillan team at Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust have been applauded for their vital support to patients with cancer and their families by Tracey, wh...

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Updated information regarding Norovirus

Talib Yaseen, Chief Nursing Officer at Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust said: “We are currently experiencing an increase in norovirus cases at Pinderfields and Dewsbury Hospitals, something w...