Coming to stay in hospital

Coming to stay in hospital
We would like to offer you a warm welcome and aim to do everything we can to make your care as comfortable as possible and support you and your partners in care to be involved in decisions.
We hope you will find the information provided in the links below useful. Please do not hesitate to talk to a member of staff if you have any questions, would like to give feedback, or have any concerns about your care.
Our facilities
Free WiFi - To connect select 'NHS-WiFi' and enter an email address. No password is required.
Hospital radio - HWD Hospital Radio broadcasts via the internet 24 hours a day to entertain patients and staff and now, anyone around the world, with a wide variety of programmes to suit all tastes, including music, reviews, news and sport. All provided by wonderful volunteers. The station positively encourages listener participation, in particular during the ever-popular Sunday morning request show when patients and their relatives can select the music played. Presenters are just a phone call away, so if you have a favourite song that you want to hear, call the studio on 01924 816262 after 6pm weeknights and from 8am on weekends.
You can listen online through a tablet or mobile phone at where you can also find the latest programme schedule and information about the station.
Interpreting service - We have interpreting and translation services available to patients whose first language is not English. Please ask a member of staff to help organise this if you or your family need to use this service.
Multi-Faith Chaplaincy - The Chaplaincy team offer a range of spiritual and holistic care. There are prayer rooms and chapels on every hospital site available for prayer. Chaplains visit wards regularly and are able to visit individuals by arrangement. Please ask staff who will arrange this for you. We also provide a 24 hour ‘on call’ service for emergencies via Hospital Switchboard 01924 541000.
Photos - We recognise on occasions visitors may wish to take pictures, such as after the arrival of a new baby. However, camera phones can only be used in those areas where mobile phones are permitted. To respect patient confidentiality, any images taken at the Trust must be taken with the express permission of the person(s) in the picture and with their consent for its intended use.
Postal deliveries - Mail is collected from, and delivered to, wards daily. Any mail sent to you in hospital should be addressed with your full name, the ward name or number and the hospital’s correct postal address. The name and address of the sender should also be written on the envelope.
Smoking - The Trust has a no smoking policy. Smoking is not permitted on hospital grounds. If you would like information on giving up smoking or nicotine replacement therapy, please ask a member of staff or contact the Yorkshire Smokefree (YSF) team on 01924 252174. For advice and support online visit
E-cigarettes - Patients and visitors are permitted to use e-cigarettes outside in our hospital grounds away from the main entrances, which must be kept clear for the benefit of all patients and visitors. The impact of e-cigarette use in the grounds will be kept under review.
Telephones - Your relatives and friends can enquire about your progress by telephoning the ward. Mobile phones can be used in certain areas of the hospital: signs will be displayed to show where it is strictly prohibited to use a mobile phone.
Food and drink
We provide a range of services within our hospitals to ensure you can find something to eat and drink whilst visiting someone in our hospitals.
Pinderfields Hospital
Coffee Club - Level B. Hot and cold drinks and snacks, open Monday to Friday, 7am to 9pm.
Time To Eat Restaurant - Level B, Hot and cold food available, 7 days a week at the following times:
- Monday to Friday 7.15am - 6pm
- Weekends and Bank Holidays 7.15am - 8.30pm (meals available until 6pm)
WHSmith - Level B. Open between 7am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am and 6pm on weekends and Bank Holidays.
Vending machines serving hot and cold drinks and snacks are available throughout the hospital.
Dewsbury and District Hospital
White Rose restaurant - Level 2, Ridings Building. Hot and cold food and drinks available 7 days a week at the following times:
- Breakfast 8am - 11.30am
- Lunch 12pm - 2pm
- Afternoon 2.30pm - 4.45pm
MYVolunteer Cafe - Hot and cold drinks and snacks available, next to Ridings building main entrance. Opening times:
- Monday 8am - 6pm
- Tuesday 8am - 4pm
- Wednesday 8am - 4pm
- Thursday 8am - 6pm
- Friday 8am - 6pm
- Weekends 10am - 4pm
Vending machines serving hot and cold drinks and snacks are available in the White Rose Restaurant, with microwaveable food items and microwaves.
Pontefract Hospital
Time To Eat Restaurant - Adjacent to the Main Entrance. Hot and cold food available Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm (excluding Bank Holidays).
WHSmith - Turn left at main entrance. Open Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm (excluding Bank Holidays).
Vending machines serving hot and cold drinks and snacks are available throughout the hospital.
What you might want to bring with you
Some of the following may be useful during your stay:
- Nightwear, dressing gown and slippers
- Toiletries and a towel
- Shaving items
- Any medications you are currently taking, in their original containers
- Comfortable clothes to wear out of bed.
You might also like to bring:
- Books or magazines
- Writing materials
- Personal stereo (with headphones)
- Mobile phone
- Small amounts of cash (to purchase items such as newspapers).
You will have a small locker next to your bed for your personal possessions. Storage space is limited so only bring with you one or two sets of day clothes.
Please do not bring:
- Jewellery
- Large amounts of money
- Credit cards
- Large amounts of food
- Large suitcases
- Items of high sentimental value
If this is unavoidable, please ask a relative to take them home for you. If this is not possible, hand in any valuables to the nurse in charge of your ward on arrival for the safe keeping of such items. The ward staff will take reasonable steps to ensure safe keeping of your valuables, such as glasses, dentures, hearing aids, etc. The Trust however cannot accept responsibility of patient property unless it is handed over for safe keeping.
Flowers - Unfortunately flowers are not allowed in the hospital as they can be a source of infection. Please advise visitors not to bring flowers into hospital.
Your care and treatment
While in hospital you will be cared for by a team of clinical professionals that includes doctors, nurses, and therapists. If you or your relatives have any questions or problems please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.
Staff identification - members of staff caring for you will introduce themselves and explain their role in relation to your care. All staff should wear an ID badge and wear different colours and styles of uniforms, please refer to this guide: Staff Uniform guide.[pdf] 4MB
Wristbands - when you are in hospital it is essential to wear a wristband at all times to ensure your safety during your stay, it will contain details about you. You must tell the nurse if you have any allergies as we provide red bands for patients with allergies. We also use yellow bands for patients who are at risk of infection and green wristbands for patients who are at increased risk of falls. If you do not have a wristband, it comes off or is uncomfortable, please speak to a member of staff.
Single sex accommodation - when you are admitted to hospital you will be cared for in a single sex bay/room with dedicated washing and toilet facilities nearby.
Privacy and dignity - throughout your stay your privacy, dignity, religious and cultural beliefs will be respected. Safeguarding patient’s privacy and dignity is one of our top priorities.
Moving wards - as part of your care you may reach a stage where you no longer require a bed in a specific area. If this is the case, we will move you to the most appropriate ward to help you with your recovery.
Your meals - you have a choice of meals. Breakfast, lunch and evening meals are served on the ward. Hot and cold drinks are also served at other times during the day and before you settle down for the night. Snacks can also be provided by a member of the nursing team. Please inform your nurse if you have any special dietary requirements.
Consent to treatment - you have a right to choose whether or not to consent to what’s being proposed. Before you undergo any treatment or procedure it is important you understand any risks, benefits and alternatives before you agree to the treatment. (For further information please ask for the patient information leaflet ‘Consent to examination and treatment’).
Diagnostic tests - during your stay you may need a range of tests to find out more about your condition. The ward staff will arrange your tests and discuss them with you. Leaflets are available about some of the tests, please ask if you want any further information.
Managing pain - we want you to be as comfortable as possible during your stay, but it is not always possible to be completely pain-free. Your nurse will ask you regularly whether you are in pain and can give you pain-relieving medicines. If these do not control your pain your medical team may prescribe stronger medication. Please let the nursing or medical staff know immediately if you are in pain, as alongside medication, there are other ways in which pain can be managed.
Complex Needs Team - patients or carers can contact our team on the following telephone numbers:
Matron for Complex Needs tel: 01924 543709
Complex Needs Liaison Assistant: 01924 543691
If you have a Hospital Passport, please bring it with you and use it during your stay.
Medicines - while you are in hospital, you can continue to have the medicines that you have been taking at home, provided that they are still prescribed for you. If you have been taking any tablets or medicines before you come to hospital, either prescribed by your GP or bought from the chemist, please inform your nurse and doctor when they come to see you. It is very important we know exactly what medicines you have been taking so we can decide the best treatment for you. This includes any inhalers, creams, injections or eye drops you may use. Please keep your medicines in their original containers, or you will not be able to take them. More information is available in our leaflet 'How your medicines will be managed in hospital'.
If you need any medicines, a pharmacist or nurse will explain what they are for, how to take them and any potential side effects.
We want to ensure safety at all times when we give patients their medicines so our nursing staff will wear a ‘red apron’ at this time. Unless it is essential, please do not interrupt a nurse wearing a red apron. Please ask another nurse if you have any questions or concerns.
Chaperones - there may be an occasion during your stay in hospital when a chaperone will be required. A chaperone is a person who accompanies or looks after another person or group of people. They are used to protect the patient’s safety, privacy and dignity during intimate or intrusive examinations or procedures and prevent actions being misinterpreted. You have the right to decline a chaperone being present. If this is the case the reasons will be discussed with you and documented within your notes.
Alcohol - alcohol is not allowed on the ward as it may interfere with your medical treatment. Please discuss this with your medical team if you have any concerns.
What happens if my heart stops beating - some people may be upset by the subject of resuscitation but we have to explain the issues as clearly and sensitively as possible. Your wishes are very important, and the health care team will want to know what you think. You do not have to discuss resuscitation if you do not want to. It is the duty of your doctors and nurses to do whatever is best for you. The health care team must and will listen to your opinions. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any further questions.
Simple steps to keep you safe during your hospital stay -video
While you are in hospital, keeping you safe and well is a priority for the staff looking after you. There are also some simple things you can do to help keep yourself safe during your hospital stay, such as asking for help when needed, protecting yourself from slips and falls and helping to prevent blood clots.
The NHS England National Patient Safety Team have created a video and leaflet providing tips on keeping yourself safe during your hospital stay, you can access these videos on the YouTube hyperlinks below.
- Simple steps to keep you safe during your hospital stay (British Sign Language (BSL) version)
- Simple steps to keep you safe during your hospital stay
The information is also available in the ‘Simple steps to keep you safe during your hospital stay’ leaflet, which has been produced in the following languages:
- English
- Arabic
- Cantonese
- French
- Gujarati
- Mandarin
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Punjabi
- Romanian
- Spanish
- Urdu
For more information visit: NHS England - Simple steps to keep you safe during your hospital visit.
Preventing infection
Help us to keep you infection free whilst in hospital
By working as a team, healthcare workers, patients and visitors can all make a difference and reduce the risk of you getting an infection and spreading infections (please ask for a copy of the leaflet ‘Reducing the Risk of Infections in Hospital’).
Clean hands - Keeping hands clean is an effective way of preventing the spread of infections. Bacteria and viruses which cause infections can be carried on hands and passed from person to person or from contaminated objects to people.
Antibiotics - It is important to tell staff looking after you if you have taken any antibiotics in the last three months, or if you are allergic to, or have bad side effects, with a particular antibiotic. We aim to treat patients with antibiotics for the shortest time possible.
Drips, drains, catheters, tubes and wounds - Never touch your, or other patients', wounds, drips, drains or tubes. If you do so accidently, please wash your hands immediately. If you have a drip, drain, or tube in place please ask the staff caring for you at least daily when it will be removed.
Environment - we want to make sure your immediate area is clean and safe for you and others. Please can you:
- Store items away in your lockers as much as possible.
- Only keep essential items in hospital with you.
- Tell a member of staff if you notice dust or dirt in the environment.
Patient property boxes
Patient property boxes are being piloted across some of the wards at the Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust to help patients keep personal items safe during their care journey.
The boxes are designed to hold personal items that an individual would struggle to function without such as dentures, hearing aids and glasses. Patients will remain reassured that all items are kept together, easy to locate and moveable at short notice. To request a box please to the staff member looking after you.