Community Paediatrics

Community paediatricians are specialists who provide out of hospital care for children and young people.
Welcome to Community Paediatrics
Community paediatricians are specialists who provide out of hospital care for children and young people. They also carry out a range of statutory duties in relation to child protection, medical advice for special educational needs, and health assessments of children in care.
Community paediatricians work within the wider health network of therapists and nurses and also with CYPS (local authority Children and Young People’s Services) and the voluntary sector.
The role of the paediatrician involves prevention, identification, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and support. Many will also have specialist skills/interests in addition to their general work (e.g. adoption; neurodisability).
Community paediatricians are closely networked with acute general paediatricians and other Specialist Community Clinicians, such as CAMHS, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist and Speech and Language Therapist.
The doctors and nurses have expertise and experience in the following areas:
- Children with developmental difficulties or disability
- Safeguarding children
- The impact of health problems in educational settings
- Children with autistic spectrum disorders and complex learning difficulties
- Children with behaviour difficulties including ADHD
- Children living in Special Circumstances – e.g. children looked after by the local authority, asylum seekers etc
- Medical input to the adoption process
The paediatric service has excellent links with the schools, special schools and other services in the area
Children aged from birth to 18 years (19yrs in exceptional cases) may be seen in a variety of outpatient clinics including, Pinderfields Hospital, Pontefract Hospital, Special Schools, and other community settings.
Special School Nursing Team
Kingsland Primary and Oakfield Park Schools
What do the Special School Nursing Team do?
Special School Nursing Team facilitate on-going care and management of children with disabilities within the two special school in the Wakefield area – Kingsland Primary School and Oakfield Park School. This is done by establishing the health needs of individual children in school and supporting parents and educational staff to meet these needs to promote best outcomes for children.
Special School Nurses work within the school setting to support the health and development of children with special needs. The team ensure that children are able to access education by meeting their routine health needs, including provision of routine medication, symptom management, sign-posting to services, safeguarding children and promoting health and wellbeing.
Welcome to the Children’s Team for Learning Difficulties (CTLD)
The Children’s Community Team for Learning Disabilities provides a specialist service for children and young people with learning disabilities, following the framework recommended in Count Us In (2002) and Every Child Matters (2003).
The service works to the definition of disability defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 - a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial or long term effect on a person’s ability to carry out day to day activities.
We work with children with moderate and severe to profound learning disabilities, where children have global development delay, and also have an additional health need such as:
- Inappropriate expressions of behaviour
- Poor sleep patterns
- Toilet training
- Transition anxieties (including puberty and other developmental issues)
- Desensitisation (for interventions, bloods etc)
Children’s Community Nursing
Address: Kings Medical Centre, King Edward St, Normanton, WF6 2AZ
Telephone: 01924 228 744
The Children’s Community Nursing and Jigsaw Team offer specialist nursing support to families who have children or young people with nursing or medical needs in their homes or other community setting such as schools and nurseries.
We provide support to specialist tertiary teams in providing nursing cares away from a hospital setting including:
Complex needs
Nutrition and Enteral feeding
Oncology/chemotherapy treatment and support
Rheumatology care and support
Respiratory support
Wound care
Parental/carer training
Symptom management
Diagnosis and case management
Liaison (local & regional)
Equipment provision/home delivery equipment
To facilitate seamless care from tertiary & secondary care to primary care
End of Life Care
Bereavement support
We endeavour to care for children in the family home to reduce hospital admissions and presentations and to minimise the length of stay whenever it is safe to do so. The service operates Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Children’s Continuing Care Team
We provide respite care to children with complex needs such as:
• congenital conditions
• long-term or life-limiting conditions
• disability
• serious illness or injury
• Palliative care
Continuing Care is a package of care provided by Health Care professionals/ friends and family (Personalised Healthcare Budget) in the family home and/or education setting. The package of care is agreed following an assessment of the child/ young person by the Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
Children and Young People’s Continence Service
Welcome to the Children and Young People’s Continence Service. We provide advice and support for children and young people with a range of continence issues in the Wakefield district.
The Children’s Continence Service is based within the Children’s Centre at Pontefract General Infirmary. The service provides advice, support and treatment/management plans for children and young people with problems with their bladder or bowels, or for specialist toilet training. All completed assessments and reassessments for continence products are also reviewed and processed by this service.
The Health Visitor or School Nurse should complete an assessment of the child’s continence issues and provide first line interventions. The service will then see children who have not improved following these first line interventions. Please click here for a copy of the referral form for the Children’s Continence Nurse Specialist.
If the referral is accepted, the family will be sent an appointment letter to attend the Children’s Continence Nurse Clinic
Contact Details
Address: Children’s Continence Nurse Specialist, The Children’s Centre, Pontefract General Infirmary, Friarwood Lane, Pontefract, WF8 1PL
Office Number: 01977 747066