

A specialist Ophthalmology service for medical conditions relating to the eye.

About our service

The Ophthalmology team provides a specialist Ophthalmology service for medical conditions relating to the eye across all three hospital sites:

Pinderfields Hospital

Dewsbury and District Hospital

Pontefract Hospital

The services we offer include:

  • Medical and surgical ophthalmology services
  • Elective and emergency or on call services - with the acute care ophthalmology clinic via referrals only covering all four hospitals: Dewsbury, Pinderfields, Pontefract and Fieldhead
  • General ophthalmology clinics
  • Oculoplastics and lacrimal services - including nurse-led cyst and lacrimal clinics
  • Cornea and anterior segment services - including retrieval of eyes for donation
  • Glaucoma clinics - being one of the national centres offering selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT)
  • Macular clinics
  • Medical retinal and uveitis clinics
  • Diabetic virtual screening clinics
  • Paediatric ophthalmology - including retinopathy of prematurity screening and strabismus. We work closely with the Teachers for children with visual impairment
  • Cataract clinics, biometry services and pre-operative assessments
  • Laser clinics - including cyclodiode, Nd:YAG, SLT, PASCAL and argon lasers
  • Orthoptic services
  • Optometrist-led clinics – glaucoma clinics and macular degeneration
  • Eye Clinic Liaison Officers (ECLO) – support services

Ophthalmic imaging - optical coherence tomography (OCT), anterior and posterior segment photography, fundus fluorescein (FFA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), B-scan ultrasound, high frequency ultrasound and biomicroscopy (HFUBM) 

What our patients say

Patients say

Care and treatment was excellent

Patients say

Very caring towards mum

Patients say

Clinic was prompt, all staff were pleasant and friendly.

Patients say

Details of every stage. What was happening and why and I was put at ease.

Patients say

The appointment was on time, Happy with everything.

The team

There are nine Consultant Ophthalmologists a number of Associate Specialist/Specialty doctors and a Training Doctor in the department.

We cover a wide range of ophthalmology - general and sub-specialties including glaucoma, paediatric ophthalmology, diabetes mellitus, age-related macular degeneration, cornea and anterior segment, oculoplastics, neuro-ophthalmology, medical retina and uveitis services. However, we do not have vitreo-retinal or orbital surgical services.

Consultant Ophthalmologists

The team

Medical Retina/Wet Macular Degeneration/Clinical Lead

​Mr Atul Varma

​Cornea and Anterior Segment

Mr Andrew Chung

​Cornea and Anterior Segment

​Mr Prateek Agarwal

​​Medical Retina/Uveitis/Wet Macular Degeneration/Royal College Tutor

Mr Narendra Dhingra

​Paediatric Ophthalmology/Adult Squint

Mr Jacobus Pauw

​Paediatric Ophthalmology/Adult Squint

​Miss Aabgina Shafi

​Oculoplastics & Lacrimal

​Ms Carolyn Atherley


​Mrs Madhu Nagar


Mr Rahul Yadav​

Associate Specialists:

Mr Vittaldas Pai​

​Mr Ezzedin Luhishi

Staff Grade/Specialty Doctors:

​Mrs Rajini Manoharan

Dr Barathi Rajendran

​​Dr Zia Idris

​Dr Neha Mithal

Dr Reema Gupta

​Dr Deepa Upasani

​Dr Awni Aburamadan​

Senior Nurses:

Senior Sister Jane Hopkins

​Sister Melanie Hannay

​​​Sister Sharon Draper

​Charge Nurse Brian Horsfall


​Jagdeep Singh​

​Iziegbe Udugbezi

​Ruth Hogan

​Rehman Akudi

​Louise Berry


​Sara Lewis

​Aqsa Ali

​Gillian Sowerby

​Helen Sach

​Ashleigh Toft

Medical Photographers

​Alex Buchanan

Jay Bex

Eye Clinic Liaison Officers: 

​Moira Horsfield (Pontefract General Infirmary)​

Nicki Rowe (Dewsbury District Hospital)

Patient Services Manager

​Sue Barron

Assistant Patient Services Manager

​Rebecca Lupton