Group sessions

Spinal Injuries Centre Psychology Group Sessions
The psychology service offers group sessions for inpatients and recently discharged outpatients.
We have a social group for inpatients, as well as an ACT skills group and a managing pain group. As a patient on the ward, you’ll be invited to join these, if appropriate.
We also have a Peer Support Group. This group is an informal way to meet and share experiences of living with a spinal cord injury and the journey after discharge from hospital. Topics include getting out and about, managing physical symptoms, looking after your wellbeing and managing ‘ups and downs’. As well as the ward psychologists, the group is facilitated by peer support staff – trained counsellors who also have spinal cord injuries.
What people have said about the psychology groups:
It’s a great way to motivate yourself, share your interests/goals with others and work interests.
A very friendly, informal and supportive group
Please email the psychology service at if you are interested, or speak to the team on the ward.